
Siamo tutti fratelli Massoni e massoneria nella satira


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Siamo tutti fratelli <br>Massoni e massoneria <tt></tt>nella satira

Edited by Dino Aloi

Siamo tutti fratelli
Massoni e massoneria nella satira

2018, cm 21x30, pages 144, color

A historical collection of drawings on the theme of Freemasonry taken from satirical newspapers such as Il Mulo from the early twentieth century up to Il Male from the 1980s. A fun and attentive look at how Freemasonry is viewed by the Italian satirical press. The book is completed by unpublished drawings by artists such as Marco De Angelis and Franco Origone as well as a series of caricatures of famous Freemasons.

Product code: p5d481c2325613

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Price per unit: 30.00 EUR